MCRGO on Instagram



MCRGO’s account on Instagram is mcrgo_ig. You can also find us by searching for MCRGO.

MCRGO will post member submitted content weekly. Members will earn 3 months of MCRGO membership credit if a photo submission is posted to MCRGO’s Instagram account and 6 months of MCRGO membership credit if a video submission is posted to MCRGO’s Instagram account. Submission of content provides MCRGO with permission to use the material on Instagram in perpetuity.

Content submission ideally should occur through the direct messaging feature within Instagram. Content may also be emailed to If the contribution is submitted through Instagram messaging, the contributor will be tagged in posted content. If the contribution is submitted through email, they will not be tagged.

Submission of photos or video does not guarantee the content will be selected for posting. To increase the chance of content being selected, please follow the guidelines below.



Content should directly reflect MCRGO’s focus on firearms and self-defense rights. MCRGO is a single mission, non-partisan organization whose members cover the entire political spectrum. Content that includes subject matter that is partisan, focused on tangential political issues, or advocates for or against the election of a candidate for office will not be selected. MCRGO will not post non-MCRGO marketing content on Instagram including notices of upcoming events.



Content should be visually attractive including proper lighting and composition. Photo submissions should be at a square 1:1 aspect ratio, ideally 1080 x 1080 pixels. Video submissions should be at a portrait 9:16 aspect ratio, ideally 1080 x 1960 pixels, and 10-59 seconds in length. MCRGO may resize or crop submissions that do not meet these guidelines. Landscape orientations and overly large or small submissions will not be accepted.



Content has an increased chance of being posted if it is creative. Content is less likely to be posted if it is similar to other content already posted. MCRGO will only accept content if the member submitting it is the original photographer or videographer. MCRGO does not post memes. The photographer/videographer should obtain consent from any human subjects before submitting content containing their image. Content should be free of identifying information of human subjects (e.g. no readable student certificates).



Instagram does not allow posts selling firearms, firearms components, or ammunition. Instagram also does not allow posts supporting or praising terrorism, organized crime, or hate speech. MCRGO will not accept content promoting violence outside the law.